Grand Rapids Galaxy forward/center
Happy Birthday, Alex Mustert!
Former GRCC, Northern Michigan U & Grand Rapids Danger center.
Happy Birthday, Michael “Pops” Sims!
Happy Birthday, Pops!
So, who is this legend of Grand Rapids? Well…
Union Red Hawk All-Area & All-State guard during the ’83-84 season.
Marquette University legend.
Michael ‘Pops’ Sims (1984-88) sits 7th all-time with 188 steals & 11th w/408 assists in his #mubb career. #mubb100
— MarquetteMBB (@MarquetteMBB) September 11, 2016
Hoops Boss “Pops”!
Thanks for being a great mentor and wonderful person!
Happy Birthday, Dominic Shannon!
Happy Birthday to Beer City’s own Dominic Shannon, Founder of All-In Sports Training.
A graduate of East Kentwood High School, Shannon went on to play hoops at Saginaw Valley State University and the Grand Rapids Danger as a guard.
All-In Sports provides individual and group training for players age 5 and older at the Seidman Boys And Girls Club on Crofton SE every Saturday.
Cascading The Darkness returns, “Oh, F*ck!”
Minus the screeching tires of the van as it came to a swift halt nearly murdering a dude, the night was perfect.
When MDOT first constructed the northbound exit via Ottawa Ave. (77C) in the heart Grand Rapids, I personally found it to be a bit of a conundrum, to say the least. Why build that?
Now that I’ve personally driven that high road on many occasions, current opinion will state only the good things.
Monday night, the Hoops crew of 4 hopped in the van and left the Dirty Water headed to North Monroe for our meeting to decide November’s Beer of the Month. Bohemian Rhapsody, check. Northbound I-94 to Milwaukee (well, I-196 into GR), check. We were jamming, on the 1! The only thing missing was Phil’s sick face and the metallic blue paint of Wayne’s 1976 AMC Pacer. The Hoops van is Borgman Ford red.
And then,
“Holy F*CK!”
It happened right there and then.
In the blink of an eye, a pedestrian crossing against the signal, conveniently with cellphone in hand, darted out in front of the crew and the van as we exited the highway at speeds above 50 mph. With it’s prepared readiness provided by Butch’s Car Care, NickExel (the HoopsVan) did what it was supposed to do. It stopped. He was safe. We were safe. The walker was obviously just normal America. That would mean inattentive to the world or overattentive to the phone, if you’re counting. It was dark. NickExel was cascading to a green light. It all made perfect sense.Â
Thanks, Phil. Brakes are good. Tires are good. We love van.
Thanks, Stephanie. Reaction times are near perfect.
Within mere seconds of our near future-altering experience, our now wide-eyed foursome searched intently for an open meter to park. Even knowing it was after the 6pm paid parking deadline, finding a meter near our destination still feels like thievery. Oh, to be of the Hood. Rachel gets it. (So does Robin. It’s a pretty Thicke joke.)Â
Secured in the Motu 50200, the quest for our monthly grail continued afoot. 30 pieces of silver? No, 30 strides of march tuned to a different drum. Sadly, the song was over before it started but with only the most grandiose of consequences.
A swiftly opened door, the aroma of Queservesa, the cracking of the Klask puck against the sideboards. Oh, home. Born here, built here. Our life is this City.
We’re all City Built in a way. Hoops Boss is WestSide born, SouthEast-side grown. JW rocked the crown as a Polar Bear, now she’s Hoops Queen. CG camped out at PAC-man’s, goddess of Lincoln Park. The Lost from 7-7-11 live on and watch over us. Oak, Harry, Chunk and Lucy all said goodbye, but loved us muttly. Our HOF is littered with those long gone. Who Loves You Babe? #WLYB
Where were we? We were at City Built. Where am I going with this?
Focus. (Spelling it f-o-u-c-s autocorrects to douche on our cpu) Seriously, focus.
Ok, okay, O.K. Pill, please. Tangential love for America. Wait. What? (I need a day off.)
As we reset the pins for the 2nd game, we’ll move you over a couple lanes and have you throw those rocks on the “Bumpers Up!” side of the facility. We’re not saying you’re unable to comprehend our Beer of the Month on a ‘every night of the week’ bowling schedule, we’d just rather you come hang out on Glow Bowl night because that’s who WE are. There’s a whole lot of ‘my way or the highway’ going on out there, we’re on the “hey, it’s over here if you want some” train. Trumpets aren’t Bugles, they’ll hurt your teeth.
(Hoops Boss is pretty sure the staff at City Built found out about his bartender cheat sheet.)
From GC,
“seriously, it’s a way of connecting with them. I (don’t) forget names (but I don’t care to say hi toÂ
that girl our friend allegedly banged back in 1995, Steve). I like nicknames. They’re better. If you think I’m Corn because my last name is Cobb, frickin’ cool! If I’m a Defensive Back to you, call me DB (yes, that’s douchebag)! Thanks, Fonz! That actually happened. He dated Pinky. Ask Roundy. We got Stout his Dirty J Stout shirts, too. Weed, Boze, DDD, JW, Gordo, Crocket & Tubbs, Dennis, Ernie, Luck Unit, Spoelly, Zood-amah, G Unit, Ed Nealy, The Whit, Lil’ Chris, Chris Jesus, PaulE, ‘netter, FeetzMann, DonnySue, DannySue, Kissimmee, Sonny Bono (mikey nap), Mono Nick, Blueberry, Boo Gaa!, Sofia, Pork, Pudge, Spider, Rug, Arlo, Deerdra!, Swamp Donkey, Hollywood, Nick from New Girl, Benny 9-10, Coley, T, Grizzly Doug, Gage, JW, Bud Man, Peggy from the FLA, the Aunties, Grandma Ruth, Grandma Jo, Grandma (jo) Hall, my Father-In-Law Jake the Snake, Big Jimmy G, MC Brophy and that dude, Ronnie Mack. Who are you talking about?”
We got him back on track when we had Sarah with an H drop off his favorite beer of all-time, Melisandre, at the table.
Game 3:
Hey, I thought I was still in charge until December? MOVE!
Back in control of the night and the keyboard, I asked Nick from New Girl to add on a Cascading the Darkness knowing that we’d already settled on City Built as our BOTM brewer.
Without further ado (nearly 900 words into it), we’re proud to announce that Cascading The Darkness from City Built Brewing is our November 2018 Beer of the Month! Whether or not there has been a 2-time winner beforehand, I’m claiming 1st 2-time winner!Â
Now, I’m probably wrong because of New Holland’s Mad Hatter and my love for their beer. But, this dark conglomerate of Porter-like style
and IPA finish. Like a black-and-tan without the shitty domestic Mississippi River water from Bud. Is it perfect? Um, what is perfection except craft beer? That’s just a silly question. Can it score? People keep ordering it up. Can it defend? Lovers of it will swear up-and-down about its natural coloring and distinct influence on their food choices. Brussels Sprouts anyone? Intangibles? Porter-like IPA. Hoppy, smooth, dark. Pour it correctly and it’s a tall, dark and handsome fella that will make you take that walk of shame in the mor
ning, sans the sheep-following invoice (I mean college tuition) and the inevitable donation request from your alma mater on the day you pay off college, whether you’re dropping two or none upon presentation.
Find a ride home before you go, Uber ain’t picking you up once you’ve Cascaded through this flow. Gutters await if you’re walking.
6.6% ABV. Available in a 4 oz. skosh, 10 oz. DeVito, 16 oz. pint and crowlers to-go! But, unless you’re in a rush, there is no sense in missing out on this crowd of characters behind the bar, on the floor and, especially, in the kitchen.
Chef Lizzie is incredible! While she won’t talk to me anymore (I’m annoying and inquisitive), I’ll keep bugging the staff to let her know everything is superb. Eddie’s had our back since Day One.
City Built would go 12-for-12 every year in the Beer of the Month category if I keep having to write it.
Hell, I’m already a Mug Club member.
Cascade my friends, into the darkness.
Nothing. Is. Better.
MELISANDRE from City Built Brewing
Beer of the Month is Back!
While it’s been a fun summer of taste testing across this great state of Michigan, the early fall weather (after the Equinox, not when school starts) took over the senses and sent us back inside for the beginning of basketball season and another year-round of Beer of the Month.
This season, we’ve got a new twist to our selection process. Each week, we’ll try a different concoction from one of our favorite locals and let you know the nominees until the monthly champion is chosen in the final week of each month. It’s our Beer of the Month, during Beer of the Week week. Got it?
This month, there’s been nothing in the cold box except for Melisandre!
It’s my personal favorite, a Red IPA that packs 7.1% ABV and flows like the water on some distant Starwarsian planet. Did I mention it’s Red and an IPA?
And now, City Built is putting it in cans so they can open up some spots at the bar and people like me can “go drink that somewhere else, please”. #HappyHourHustle
No more news, just go get some cans while they last. Make sure to take a flight while you’re there.
Cascading, Brewt, Melisandre…
Orange is the new Tangerine (Space Machine)
My Tangerine Space Machine Tour
Let me begin by first listing a few random, personal disclaimers; I’m no beer connoisseur, I’m generally good at knowing what suits my taste, and more importantly, I clearly identify those beers I will not be trying again.
I wouldn’t specifically call out fruit-flavored or fruit-infused beers, but I haven’t met a citrus beer I’ll turn down, and February 2018’s Beer of the Month goes with that flow – fruity enough to notice, while hoppy enough to differentiate itself from the Blue Moons and Oberons of our great craft brewery booming country.
If you’re still reading this amateur craft beer review, you probably won’t stop until the end. I’m sorry in advance. Buckle up, you’re about to take a virtual trip on the Tangerine Space Machine.
Any other beer, by any other name, would’ve been purposely overlooked, but not this one. The big, bold, orange and blue box caught my eye, and in light of Valentines’ Day, stole my heart.
Tangerine Space Machine (TSM) is a refreshingly fruity blast of hoppy beer goodness. The kicker – the thing that ultimately compelled me to try it – the words on the box, the marketing works! The first thing I read aloud, “Citrus Juicy Hazy,” brought me back to TLC’s CrazySexyCool album, peaking my curiosity.
Then, I found it, in itty bitty capital letters, on one of the end flaps of the 6-pack box:
There once lived a bitter soul
With a fruitful life as his goal
Hopped in his space machine
Went to New England to find his queen Came back…In a haze of tangerine.
Had I known my love of the English language would bring me to feel so fondly toward any beer, much less a beer that my husband also enjoys, this is my destiny. Who knew a tangerine filled space helmet could inspire so much harmony?
After having enjoyed this juicy, holy nectar, I hope this craft beer isn’t a special, seasonal, temporary New Holland treat – I need it all year ’round.
4 Elf from Dark Horse Brewing
It’s that time of year again. Yes, it’s Christmas season. Or holiday season. Or, well, let’s just call it December and agree that we should steer away from political talk and venture into revealing the beer of the month together.
Trying to stay with the winter theme, we’ve picked 4 Elf from Dark Horse Brewing as our 2017 December Beer of the Month.
This winter warm spiced ale “is holiday cheer in liquid form. Spicy aromas like cinnamon and clove give this dark brown winter warmer a proper holiday welcome. Balanced between malt, hops, and spice at 8.75% ABV this beer goes great with all holiday foods—from sweet snacks to the roast beast”, according to their website.
With 840 ratings on, 4 Elf is a VERY GOOD 3.85 out of 5. One of those ratings, from user  Eamonn-Cummings3, explains “Poured from a 12oz bottle into a Teku glass. Look is a dark brown with an off white head. Aroma is of coffee malt and dark dried fruits. Taste is a lot more of the spicing and more of that roast coffee.”
Over ar, 4 Elf received an 88 overall score. 4 Elf has 287 hits on Untappd (282 are unique visits).
This brew, freshly available in October, November and December, comes in pony kegs, half barrels and the ever so readily available and easier to carry 4-packs.
Merry Christmas! Cheers to you getting lucky and finding some 4 Elf on your shelf.
November 2017: Bockefeller by Atwater Brewing
BOCKEFELLERÂ wins November!