BOCKEFELLERÂ wins November!
Atwater Brewing Company’s Bockefeller has been named the November 2017 Beer of the Month by the  BeerCityHoops staff.
Brewed to flavor the season, Atwater’s Winter Bock “boasts the body and deep malt flavors matched with a warming, but well blended hint of alcohol”, according to their website. This brew chimes in with an ABV of 7.00% and IBU rating of 25.
Over on Untappd app, 68 users check in monthly with 7,151 unique hits and 8,686 totals hits for Bockefeller. gives the winner 3.75 out of 5 score with a VERY GOOD rating. One user described it: “Pours an orange amber color with decent head. Kinda taste Like a Mai Bock. Starts out with a mild caramel honey flavor maybe hints of bread only slightly sweet. Then turns a little bitter with some hop notes. The very final finish ends more sweet. Somewhat smooth over all.”