Category: BeerCityHoops

“Dear BeerCityHoops” -Gr3g

Whether I say goodbye now

or wait until season’s end

the same will be said

by all of my friends

“It was always the ball,

with his eyes on the Hall.”

So I’ve given my bones, my breath, my sweat and my tears. 

I’ve given 45 years.

and now it’s you that I cheers. 

“’cause I’d rather hit the mic

and later local beers.”

Blossomed from a note signed by the beauty Jill Green,

“go podcast that talk about the local sports scene.”

Fell down the stairs but can not deter

that dream that she mused, “here it is now!”. 

From the concrete at Langley where an NBA legend took aim, I will forever thank St. Paul’s where I first took aim. 

Saturday mornings I was a Falcon

like I was Loy Vaught

but it was MLK, Ridgemoor, IHM & CC where I was taught.

From the Dentist to the Boilermaker

Mr. Toothpick and Coach T,

nothing stays with me more

than the B-E-E….BEEF! 

“Bend those knees, eyes on the basket, elbow under the ball, and follow through”.


With that, it’s time for the Gr3g to take a step back and head up to the TV broadcast booth for the remainder of the 2020-21 BeerCityHoops League season as we find an appropriate way to complete the inaugural season for the players involved. Thus, any player(s) drafted by the Buzz are now fully eligible to SUBSTITUTE at any time for any team (no more than 2 games weekly).




Week 1 in the books

Wins in Week 1 for the City, Crew and Buzz were stressful and entertaining. The Nines & the Greens aren’t fully healthy yet and the Hawks worked hard together and will be a force to deal with.

Here’s the week’s time-lapse video.


Pre-Draft trades made to order

Friday night in a dark, smoke-filled room somewhere on the WestSide of Grand Rapids, the six GMs of the Beer City Hoops league got together to prepare for the upcoming draft.

Here are the transactions that took place and have been stamped “Approved” by the Commissioner.


  • The Crew is sending the 4th overall pick and #28 to the Reds for picks #11, #17 & #23.
  • The Nines send the 15th overall pick and #27 to the Buzz for picks #19, #25, & #30.
  • City trades F’Legal (2019 draftee) and pick #26 to the Buzz, Buzz sends CASH to Greens, Greens send picks #14 & #20 to City.


andy d realtor

Cutting to the chase: Buzz plan to select Realtor with #1 pick

Without hesitation, Buzz GM Grizzly Doug made it known Tuesday during the league meeting that his plan is to take Realtor (#55) with the 1st overall pick in the 2020 draft.

After trading away two stars for a platter of draft picks from the Greens last week, the Buzz now start the rebuild with a bona fide veteran leader with an attache full of swag and style.

Realtor’s ability to get up and down the court for hours on end will cause trouble for opposing teams. This guy draws multiple defenders throughout the game, can get his shot up from nearly anywhere on the court and has a keen eye for the extra pass.

The gamble, though, is a big one for the Buzz. Realtor has been off the court since the Covid pandemic began and may not return until after a vaccine is available. We hear he’s been running a fair amount of miles, so expect him to show up in game shape when he does return.

Hopefully for the Buzz and the league, it’s Week 1.

Buzz trade B Stacks & Sam Awry to Greens

Greens Move 1st, 2nd, 5th, Flip 3rd, 4th picks for 2 All-Stars

Turns out, the Princess gets what she wants. This time, it’s an All-Star trio to put on the floor in 2021.

Jill Green, owner/GM of the Greens, made it known over the weekend that her objective during the 2021 season was to surround the team’s cornerstone player, Dr. Weed, with a group of hustlers that could meld together quickly this off-season to put together a championship run.

Sam Awry Buzz jerseyMonday afternoon she did just that. The Greens have sent their 1st, 2nd & 5th round draft picks in 2020 to the Buzz and agreed to a pick-flip in rounds 3 & 4 to bring Sam Awry and B Stacks over to the greener side of the fence. Both Awry and Stacks have played for Beer City Hoops in previous tournaments, including the Battle of the Gains 2019 on Calder Plaza in downtown Grand Rapids. Green, as she said Monday, “saw what they’re able to do on the court as teammates last summer and (we) want that hoops knowledge on our team”.

B stacks Buzz photoIf teams are worried about the free agent market, this should prod the anxiety nerve in GMs around the league. Awry’s canny ability to recruit late in the game is remarkable. Look at the wake of players attributed to his being in the league. (We’ll count six, currently.) B Stacks has opened the airways of opportunity for two potential draftees this off-season.

With Dr. Weed’s leadership and veteran presence, Sam Awry’s ability to get people on the same page and B Stacks being the emotional Magic of the squad, Greens now has a Big Three akin to the likes of Dennis Johnson, Jim Paxson and Robert Parrish from the ’87 Celtics. Add in Trip, aka “Four Corners Eau Claire” aka Larry Bird, and this team is just a rock-and-roll band from Boston.


The Grizzly Doug MVP Award
The Grizzly Doug MVP Award

Buzz GM Grizzly Doug, namesake of the MVP Trophy, owner/operator of the team and Little River Woodworks- Croton, was willing to saw the root stump off the current team to start over on a new canvas of hoops for 2021. Burning his own flesh into the team’s outer layer like a cattle brand, this sawyer knows when to cut and run. Now was the right time to Buzz off.

The haul? It’s Yuge! The Buzz now have two 1st’s, two 2nd’s, two 5th’s and flipped their 3rd & 4th with Greens in the upcoming draft on December 8th. That’s eight picks!!! The architect is drawing up plans; step one – foundation.

Tune in to the Beer City Hoops 2020 Draft LIVE December 8, 2020.

(Check ALL our social media outlets!)


BeerCitySports’ inaugural Hall of Fame Class, ceremony set for Feb. 17th Skating Fundraiser

BeerCitySports is proud to announce our inaugural Hall of Fame inductees, the Class of 2019.

Induction Ceremony to take place at the Roll-It-Out Skating Fundraiser for HQ on February 17th at the Kentwood Fun Spot. Tickets are available here.


  • Chris Napieralski
  • “Uncle Bob” Schab
  • Pete Camp

GC’s Originals:

  • 1986-87 St. Paul the Apostle Cougars
  • Those Langley Boys (1987 Gus Macker)

Current Legends:

  • Michael “Pops” Sims
  • Allen “The Hulk” Durham
  • Marco Wilkinson

Anybody but (Derek) Anderson….I don’t know his first name.

Chris Napieralski on The 3-Point Turn podcast talking Arizona Cardinals football
Eventbrite - BeerCitySports: Roller Skate Fundraiser (Cost is your $ donation)